Questions to ask your Pendulum
Because of how effectively efficient the pendulum is with yes/no questions, most people will jump at the use of this divination tool over tarot or oracle when asking that category of question. In addition to the yes/no questions, did you know that you can ask questions with other than just a yes or no options? As we reflected in our previous blog Increase the Accuracy of your Pendulum Readings, pendulum accuracy depends on a variety of aspects such as the having a clear mind and energy when conducting your pendulum reading. In addition, the types of questions and how they are worded can also impact the accuracy of each reading, as well as the interpretation. For this reason, it is important to construct clear thoughtful questions the leave little room for ambiguity in the response options.
Here are some great pendulum readings:
Career Questions
Is this the best company for me?
Will I be happy at this location?
Will I be successful in this career?
Is my supervisor happy with my work?
Is this a good time to ask for a raise?
Should I change my job?
Is this a worthwhile opportunity?
Love Questions
Is this person honorable?
Are we compatible?
Should I go on a date with this person?
Will this be a good relationship for me?
Will this person treat me well?
Does he/she love me?
Are they over their ex?
Self Reflection Questions
Am I being honest with myself?
Am I truly happy?
Is this what I truly desire?
Am I living life to its full potential?
Do I receive enough mental stimulation everyday?
Am I happy with the amount of time I spend socializing?
Do I do enough for my spiritual development?
How can you get the most out of pendulum readings?
Whereas tarot and oracle cards provide in-depth answers to your questions, a pendulum reading provides a more minimalist response to a yes/no or even an either/or inquiry. The way to gain more information from your pendulum readings is by using the questions to your advantage. Start with questions that are more broad and work your way down. This process will provide you with more information and identify more aspects to the answers you are searching for.
Share your experiences, your own tips and tricks, or any other thoughts you might have in the comments below or on our instagram page @thehopefultarot