Strawberry Full Moon : What you need to know!

Today June 14th 2022, we will be experiencing a strawberry full moon! Due to the fact that this moon will be in sagittarius, my astrological sun sign, I found a deep interest in this month’s full moon. In my research I discovered the meaning behind the name of the strawberry moon, the explanation of a supermoon, and how this particular moon can affect you spiritually.

Why is it called the Strawberry Moon?

Annually during the month of June, we experience what many refer to the strawberry moon. Depending on where you are located, June’s full moon may not be recognized as the “strawberry” moon. The strawberry moon moniker is said to be in reference to the short harvesting period of strawberries spanning from the regions of the northeastern U.S. to eastern Canada. On the other hand, in Europe they refer to this full moon as the “honey” moon or “rose” moon, due to their harvesting periods in that location.

Wait, what makes a moon super?

Because the moon orbits the Earth in an eclipse, we experience not only the varying phases of the moon but also different proximity to it. This particular full moon happens to be a supermoon. In case you are curious, a supermoon is when the moon is closest to the Earth, particularly when it is full. Consequently, we will be viewing the moon as larger and brighter than we typically experience it.

How does this moon affect me spiritually?

After researching the history of the strawberry moon’s name, I started to understand the spiritual meaning and connections to the metaphysical world. During this moon, you might feel the effects that lead you to have extreme curiosity and motivation. This can-do energy might help you tackle some of those projects that you have been putting off (like writing a blog.. haha ok no just me). You might experience synchronicities where those around you are focused on making changes in their life and adaptability. Many might be talking about courage and curiosity.

What spiritual practices can you do during this moon to positively benefit your life?

  • Take influence from the characteristics of the sagittarius. Investigate a new adventure! It is time to take-risks and establish new goals to accomplish.

  • Focus on what you have been trying to manifest and if you have been manifesting that desire correctly. If you seek positive energy surrounding you, why focus on the negative experiences? Try to focus on positive thoughts to help intensify your manifestations. Allow yourself to experience the negative and move through those aspects to fully enjoy the positive energy in your life.

  • Establish what you true desires are then set your intentions. Reflect on who you want to be and what you might need to do in order to become that person. Some ways you can set intentions are through journaling, meditation, or intention candles.

  • Reflect on how you succeeded in the past. Think about the challenges and obstacles you have faced. What were those challenges? How did you overcome those obstacles? Take time to express gratitude for what you have achieved so far. Allow yourself to feel proud for all that you have done and all that you will do.

  • Conduct or book a tarot reading! Tarot can help open your mind and spirit to the world around you. Most people do not naturally recognize the signs and symbols that their subconcious picks up on from the universe or their spirit guides. Divination tools, such as tarot cards, assist by providing a conduit of communication. Feel free to book a reading with my through my shop.

I hope this blog post helped you understand about this “strawberry” moon that everyone is talking about. If you would like a specific topic researched and written about let me know! Feel free to contact me through the comments or on my instagram. (@thehopefultarot)


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