White Sage Alternatives

When I was in my early teens, I noticed that how the energy of others would impact my own energy. Alongside other people affecting my energy, I started to notice that the energy of certain environments could also impact my energy. It wasn’t until I was older, that I started to realize that there were ways to cleanse the energy surrounding you. Most people are familiar with the cleansing properties of white sage, but little realize that there are other ways to cleanse your energy.

Check out these 5 white sage alternatives that you can use to cleanse your energy!

  1. Palo Santo ~ Whereas sage is used to cleanse negative energy, Palo Santo is used to promote positive energy. Perhaps you need to attract positive energy, rather continuing to try to banish negative energy.

  2. Incense ~ Incense is great for refocusing your spiritual attention and gaining clarity in your space.

  3. Candles ~ If you are familiar with the spiritual meaning behind colors, you can integrate that into your candle intention spells. Choose a specific candle color to manifest exactly what you are seeking.

  4. Sound ~ Sound helps to reset the frequencies surrounding you to rejuvenate your spiritual energy.

  5. Meditation ~ Time and time again I have brought up the benefits behind meditation. Mediation helps you reset your internal frequency. This helps promote spiritual balance and clarity.

Sage is great but it isn’t the only way to cleanse energy. Investigate the various forms of spiritual cleansing and figure out which of these sage alternatives you need in the moment.

Share your experiences, your own tips and tricks, or any other thoughts you might have in the comments below or on our instagram page @thehopefultarot


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