New Year’s Resolution: Use the Candle

Let’s considered the “New Year’s Resolution”

Have your social media pages been overwhelmed with various content like, “New Year, New Me” or cleché New Year’s resolutions? Perhaps you feel obligated to create your own New Year’s Resolutions. Every year, I tell myself that I am going to work on things that make me happy. I am going to set a resolution that will make me feel better. Some of the resolutions of my past include “I will work out daily”, “I will only drink on the weekends”, or “I will spend less money”. Resolutions such as these are challenging because if you mess up once, you might lose sight of the overall goal. In the past I have felt like a failure for not fully embracing my resolutions. Because of this, I have decided to try a new resolution.

How I developed my New Year’s Resolution

I hadn’t thought of what my New Year’s Resolution would be until after Christmas of 2022. Upon returning home from my familial estate, AKA Mom’s crib, I realized that I had been spoiled by my family and friends. As grateful as I was for everything I received, I was completely overwhelmed with what I was given and what I would do with everything. When trying to find a “home” for each gift in my house, I found a fancy candle that I have had the last four years. This candle was nothing special, aside from the fact that I loved the glass it came in. I then realized, I have many things in my life that I “save” for a later date, then I never get to enjoy them. There are so many opportunities I miss because I wait for the perfect time. I have anxiety over the future and I wait for the future experience. But what about now? What about my present? What do I do for this moment? How can I make this a memory?

So, what is my New Year’s Resolution?

This year I wanted a resolution that helped me change my life by embracing every aspect of it. This year, my New Year’s Resolution will be the mantra: “Use the Candle”. Instead of waiting for that perfect moment or perfect time, I am enjoying my time now. I am tired of waiting for the future and I want to enjoy now.

Here are 8 Resolutions that increase your spiritual happiness:

  1. “I will live in the moment each day”

    Instead of waiting to enjoy that candle, lotion, make up, or cute outfit… Take some time to enjoy it now. Stop waiting for tomorrow.

  2. “I will give at least 1 compliment a day”

    Spreading simple kindness could be the thing to change someone else’s day. By sending out positive energy into the universe, you will be attracting positive energy back to you.

  3. “I will pull a daily tarot card”

    Depending on when you pull the tarot card, you may use your daily tarot card for different reasons. If you choose to pull the tarot card in the morning, you may ask your deck a question about the energy you should embrace during the day. Whereas, if you pull at the end of the day you might as a more reflective question.

  4. “I will meditate for at least 5 minutes daily”

    Meditation helps promote mindfulness and living in the moment. This process reconnects your body, mind, and spirit. Even just 5 minutes a day is achievable.

  5. “I will write in my journal daily”

    A daily journal entry can stem from a daily gratitude recognition, to a reflection of your day, or even just free writing your thoughts. Journaling helps ground your mind in the moment. It can also alleviate some of your stress and worries by taking the thoughts out of your mind.

  6. “I will read 1 book a month”

    Reading is one of the best ways to work on your mind and soul. This activity motivates brain usage, can help relieve stress, and can even be a social hobby! Try joining a book club or reading a book with a friend. This will help you get some of those purchased but never read books off your shelves.

  7. “I will try 1 new thing every month”

    GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! It can be scary to try new things. Seriously, you should see me in a restaurant. I hate trying new things, because I already know what I like. While being in your comfort zone is safe, having a goal of trying 1 new thing every month can help you learn what else to include in your comfort zone.

  8. “I will donate something I no longer use each month”

    Giving to those in need not only feels good but it also helps you control house clutter. Try looking for 1 or more items to donate each month. I try to donate my towels, blankets, or sheets to animal shelters. If I don’t have any of those and I have the time, I use my scrap yarn and make kennel blankets to donate whenever I can.

What will your resolution be?

I know you might think that your resolution should be to lose weight or to sleep more. I promise you that resolutions such as these are not successful for a reason. It is time to create an attainable goal for the 2023 year. Let me know what your resolution is in the comments below.


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