Book Review: Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza helped me understand meditation on a scientific level. Prior to reading this book, I only examined meditation on the spiritual or even emotional level. I had never reflected or analyzed the physical impacts that meditation can have on the body.
What is the premise of the book?
Dr. Joe Dispenza presents the idea that we can all be super natural, when we achieve the right frequency. He explains that everything in life is connected to energy and we can recognize that energy as frequencies. His explanation of frequencies depicts the universe as a radio and that whatever we want in life needs to be turned to the correct frequency. This process of manifestation can be achieved through careful mediation exercises.
What did I enjoy about the book?
I greatly enjoyed the scientific evidences presented throughout Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book. I found the color page inserts helpful in understanding and buying into the ideas he presents. I loved the exercises that he presents for his readers to try and make their own experience or judgement for the information he presents. This book provided me with a deeper understanding of mediation and what the impacts of how you think or process change or develop your brain functions. Because of this book, I try to make mediation a regular practice in my nightly routine.
What was harder for me to enjoy?
I had trouble believing the extravagance of the experiences the people he talks about are said to have. While he does provide scientific evidence throughout the book on brain waves and how that impacts the body, some of the accounts seem pretty far fetched which make it challenging to believe. I understand that providing these specific examples is supposed to be what portrays his argument that basically comes down to manifestation is a legitimate way to alter your life, but the extremeness of the stories made it less believable for me.
Overall Impression?
This was a very interesting book that helped me deeper my understanding of meditation and manifestation. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the scientific studies and trying the exercises Dr. Joe Dispenza provides. Although the information in the book was quality, I found this a very challenging read. This book is not something that I would read out of pure enjoyment but rather as an instructional or research resource.
Rating: 4/5 Stars
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