How can you practice spirituality?

Here are 6 ways you can practice spirituality without divination tools, spellwork,

  1. Guided Meditation -

    • If you have never experienced meditation, you probably picture a person sitting criss-cross applesauce humming on a rug. Those who have never meditated believe that meditation means you clear your mind and think of nothing. For the longest time, I was one of those people. It wasn’t until I attempted guided meditation that I realized there was more to meditation then just simply clearing your mind. Try listening and actively following along to a recording on spotify, a podcast, or a youtube guided meditation to help reduce stress and spiritually reflect on your life. For more on guided meditation, check out this blog post.

  2. Dream Journaling -

    • Have you ever woken up remembered every aspect of a dream and then a second later you only retained fragments of what you subconsciously experienced? To prevent loss of dream recall, many commit to a dream journal where they might write. type, or draw their dreams in order to retain the information from their subconscious. Now you might be thinking to yourself, what do dreams have to do with spirituality? Well, many believe that dreams are another way for your spirit guides to provide information to you. Whether or not you believe that dreams are fragments of your subconscious that need to be understood or messages from spirit guides that require evaluation, this might be the perfect opportunity for your to practice spirituality.

  3. Connecting with Nature -

    • Do you remember having the sense of wonder and curiosity as a child? Taking time in nature can help promote that childlike sense of wonder. When one takes a hike, floats in a lake, or silently looks at the stars, it can invoke a sense of divinity. Slowing down, stepping away from the hustle and bustle allows us the time to appreciate the mystery and beauty that surrounds us still. We still have so much left undiscovered in the world and hardly take the time to appreciate the sense of wonder. Did you know that due to currents and weather patterns, we have never fully discovered the ocean? Scientists say that we understand more about space than we do the oceans that surround us because of the variables that cause the ocean’s ever changing atmosphere. Sitting, reflecting, and wondering allow spiritual growth and cleansing.

  4. Spiritual Research -

    • Exploring a variety of religions, beliefs, and values across cultures can help you determine your over spiritual path. Depending on where one lives in the modern world, we have the freedom to explore religious history and spiritual practices of the past. Researching spiritual practices through books, articles, and interviewing elders in your life help you define your own spiritual journey.

  5. Sound Therapy -

    • This is the practice of utilizing sounds, music, and therapeutic frequencies to help clear ones mind. There are some who research the impacts that sound vibrations and frequencies can have on the human body and spirit. These practices are usually paired with deep-reflection through mediation or journal prompts. It is not uncommon to find the modern person listening to ambient noises such as rainforest sounds or waterfalls to fall asleep, meditation, or help one focus when completing an activity. My personal favorites include disney piano and instrumentals. Do you enjoy any particular sounds when you are trying to relax or study?

  6. Practicing Gratitude -

    • How often do you say thank you in a day? I know that “thank you” has become an auto-response for the day to day interactions I have with others. Practicing gratitude is more than just the auto-response thank you for mundane tasks. You can start by thinking of the things for that which you are grateful. It consists of recognizing what you have received from the universe and expressing that recognition either verbally to the world, journal inputs, or any other healthy way you can think of!

These are not the only ways to practice spirituality. There are thousands of ways to practice spirituality! No one way is more or less correct than the other. Figure out what practices work best for you and then do them!

Let me know what spiritual practices you enjoy or recommend in the comments below.


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