Increase the Accuracy of Pendulum Readings with these 5 tricks!

As mentioned in the previous blog, Weighing the Pros & Cons of Pendulums, pendulums can be an amazing divination tool! Pendulums have become an increasingly used tool within the divination community. In comparison to Tarot or Oracle resources, informational articles and books about using pendulums for divination are limited. Because of this, I have been focusing my efforts to explore life with a pendulum and how to make your pendulum readings more effective! In today’s blog, we will be investigating what impacts the accuracy of pendulum readings and how we can boost that accuracy.

What impacts the accuracy of a pendulum reading?

When I first bought my pendulum, I did not fully understand the logistics behind a pendulum reading… I would consistently question the accuracy of my readings because of my lack of knowledge. Questions would accumulate in my head like, “Did my hand move that or was that energy from the universe?” or “Are my own opinions taking influence in this reading?” I was so concerned with the mechanics of my pendulum readings that it influenced my self-efficacy. I wasn’t believing in myself or my abilities.

5 Tricks to Increase Accuracy

  1. Meditate to clear your mind

    When your mind is overwhelmed with thoughts and worries, it seeps into your divination practices. It can disrupt the energy that you use to conduct your divination readings. Each thought or question that pops into your mind may disrupt your reading because it interupts the focus of the reading. For example, if you are using your pendulum for a reading on making a decision and the main focus of your question is “Should I take this job offer?” but you are thinking about the pros and cons of the job offer while you ask the question, then your pendulum may channel a response to the pros and cons that you are thinking about.

  2. Understand & Control your Emotions

    Emotions are such a challenging thing because they are not easily controlled. Various people find that they control their emotions in the wrong way when it is too late. Control does not mean compartmentalizing or ignoring the emotion. When I say “control” I mean recognizing the emotion, allowing yourself to feel the emotion, and moving past that emotion. This type of control is more challenging than most realize. Emotions and energy go hand in hand. Your emotions directly impact your energy because they change the frequency that your body is emitting on a regular basis. If your energy is erratic, you will not get an accurate divination reading.

  3. Clarify who you are asking the question

    Either outloud or internally, take time to specify who you are seeking advice from or else the pendulum will channel your subconscious. Similarly to a new electronic device, the pendulum has a default setting. Pendulums can be used not only in readings to help make decisions but also used to explore your subconscious. For this type of reading, your pendulum acts as an extension of your deeper you. This is where that “default setting” comes into play. This extension of the subconcious is where the pendulum will channel answers when you do not establish who you are seeking advice from. Whether it be from spirit, the universe, or a specific deity that you work with… make sure that you are clearly establishing who seek your advice from.

  4. Have a chart to help guide your readings

    It can be challenging to conduct a reading if you lack a visual, as this helps provide a clear path for the eye to follow and is not left for interpretation. Providing spirit the guideline of a specific chart helps them focus on guiding the pendulum in the direction needed to specify the answer. Can you still receive an accurate reading without a chart? Absolutely! The challenge lies with your level of experience, personal preference, and unbiased evaluation of the pendulum’s motion.

  5. Make time for daily or weekly readings

    Just as anything in life, practice helps your experience and expertise. There are few and far inbetween that can pick up a pendulum and naturally conduct perfectly accurate readings. Do not put so much pressure on yourself. With each use of your pendulum, your confidence will increase. Just make time out of your day to start working with your pendulum and understanding the different steps that help increase your accuracy. Familiarity provides comfort and when people feel comfortable then they are leess likely to make mistakes!

Learn from My mistakes…

STOP expecting yourself to mess up. STOP putting so much pressure on yourself. STOP psyching yourself out before you can actually fail or succeed. I was so nervous due to my lack of knowledge and intensely concerned about physical, emotional, or energetic bias, Once I understood how a pendulum reading works, my energy was no longer disrupted by my lack of tenacity. I started to instill these 5 tricks into my daily life style, which helped me gain confidence with my pendulum readings. Am I an expert? Not by any means, however, I have made extreme improvements and I am working on making more! That is the most important part. Take the time to play your pendulum by making use of it in your everyday life.

Share your experiences, your own tips and tricks, or any other thoughts you might have in the comments below or on our instagram page @thehopefultarot


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Weighing the Pros & Cons of Pendulums