Tarot Superstitions

Cat Tarot  (Click for Amazon Link to Deck)

Cat Tarot (Click for Amazon Link to Deck)

Because Tarot is connected to the divine or metaphysical practices, many people fear it due to their lack of understanding. There are various myths and misconceptions tied with Tarot that have been created either because fear of the unknown or even protection of the individual. Superstitions have lasted as long as humans have been able to create an open dialogue with each other. The reason behind superstitions stems from various reasons including fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or even a false sense of causation. Therefore, Tarot has some superstitious rules that Tarot Beginners or those interested on starting their spiritual path have heard from friends or the internet that deter them from expanding their Tarot practice or Knowledge. In this article, we will be discussing some of these wives tales, where they come from, and why they were created.

Have you been interested in learning Tarot but you heard that someone has to gift you a deck? This is one of many myths or misconceptions when it comes to Tarot.

Tarot Superstitions:

  • You should not buy a deck and should only be gifted a deck

    • I have seen various reasonings behind this superstition. Some believe that this myth was created due to the transition from polytheistic religions to monotheistic religions. The reasoning being, those who practiced the ways of the old or the ways of the polytheistic were pushed to convergence of the new religion or terminated. Therefore, there were not many available decks and they could only be gifted because they were not easily obtained. Due to most modern country’s openness to religious freedom, it is easier to acquire a deck or even sources to learn about Tarot. If you feel draw to a deck, you should get it! If you are a still a little hesitant about buying your own deck, ask your friend for one around the holidays!

  • Tarot is evil

    • Intentions are key when you are using divination tools. Divination tools as a whole get a bad reputation because they are not easily understood for the lack of “proof” behind their inner-workings. Tarot, as one of the more popular divination tools, get wrapped up in this poor reputation because many do not believe or understand it. Tarot is not evil but it can be used in dark ways. Be mindful of your questions by following your morals and ethics. Your values and beliefs are what matters because they make up your intentions when working with the metaphysical.

  • Reading for yourself is prohibited

    • This is honestly one of the funniest to me. I personally started reading tarot in a psychological way. I used the cards as a tool to look at the subconscious and inner workings of my mind. I only just recently learned in the last year that this practice was referred to as “Shadow Work” (Blog to come later). It wasn’t until years later when I started reading for others that I started my own spiritual journey and my views changed. I believe that those who have difficulty reading for themself are the same who have difficult being honest with themself.

  • Only psychics read Tarot

    • Not everyone who reads tarot is a psychic, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t all have psychic abilities. Being a psychic doesn’t mean you are only on of the chosen if you have the gift to see or hear dead people. Those gut feelings, the random thoughts that pop into your head, or surprisingly accurate predictions represent your psychic abilities. Tarot helps you recognize and tap into your potential.

  • Don’t let anyone else touch your Tarot decks

    • This is personal preference. I believe that you should treat your Tarot Deck with respect and honor it throughout your day to day life. With that being said, I do let clients, trust family, or friends touch my decks. Especially with my loved ones, I see it as, I allow their energy in my day to day life and their energy regularly intermingles with mine because of it. In addition, I find that clients feel more connected to a reading if you allow them to cut the deck or even hold the deck and state their question. There are always ways to cleanse your decks from negative energy! So, if you feel comfortable with allowing others to touch your deck then you should! If you are deeply empathetic and you find that others energy drains you, perhaps you should steer clear of allowing others to touch your decks.

These are just some, but some of the most common wives tales that have been passed down for many years when it comes to Tarot. I myself fell into some of these superstitions for a very long time until I started researching and learning the history of Tarot. Your beliefs are what matter, so discover yourself by researching further and starting your journey!

I hope this blog posts helps ease your mind and jumpstarts your metaphysical adventure.


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