Reconnect with Your Spiritual Side

Sometimes the day-to-day responsibilities take up so much of one’s time, they end up getting stuck in a monotonous routine. No one can prepare you for the responsibilities of adulthood. Growing up, I thought I knew the impact of responsibilities but I never understood the emotional response to each draining adult requirement. The unfortunate truth of adulthood is that you have this never ending to-do list that constantly has things tacked on, sometimes faster than when you cross things off. Lately, I have had trouble keeping up with my spiritual journey because I have had anything but spirituality on my mind.

What happens when you falter in your spirituality?

I know that in the last two months, I have not made time for spirituality. A few months ago, I would section out time for tarot readings, meditation, or yoga daily. But lately, I have felt so overwhelmed with my life responsibilities that everything else seemed to just fall off the wagon. So how do you reconnect with your spiritual side? Well, you just have to make time and take that first step. It is time to reestablish a positive routine that includes time for spirituality. Instead of kicking yourself for not doing something, take the time to do it! Start small and look for small ways to integrate spiritual practices back into your life.

Here are 5 ways to reconnect with your spiritual side:

  1. Meditation

    Meditation requires control of both the mind and body. This form of control helps promote mindfulness and reduce stress. By clearing your mind and listening to the body’s needs, a person focuses less on reactivity and enhances the ability to respond to those needs. Reaction occurs when one experiences an intense emotional response, such as anger or fear. This triggers the fight or flight response of living creatures. When our stress levels increase due to intense emotional response the mind and body suffer, thus causing us to lose track of our spiritual rituals and routines. Responding to a stressful situation requires a calm mind and spirit. Meditation helps subside reactivity because it requires a person to take inventory of their emotions and needs. It calms the mind which helps one’s ability to respond in place of reaction. Take time to meditate to keep a clear mindset to help you maintain your spirituality.

  2. Yoga

    Exercising in general is a great way to reset and regulate emotions. Although any form of exercise can help with the regulation of emotions, yoga is arguably the most adaptable and accessible for all individuals. Similarly to meditation, yoga is an exercise that promotes control of the mind and body. There are varying levels of yoga that can meet the needs of any person. Yoga requires a person to control and still the mind while challenging the muscles through various positions and stretches. For these reasons, the disciplined required for yoga helps promote and reconnect people on their spiritual journey.

  3. Take photographs of nature or forging for your own food

    Next to learning how to respond to your mind and body, it is important to make space for yourself. A great activity to help you make space for yourself is any activity that involves appreciating nature. Nature is a key figure when it comes to spirituality because it helps us recognize the importance of living as an individual, as well as in a community. Being in nature helps one reconnect to the most important aspects of life because it forces them to recognize how we are all interconnected.

  4. Keep crystals on your person

    Crystals help to channel, connect, and protect energy. I have heard of people carrying crystals in their bags, pockets, or even one’s bra. I personally prefer wearing bracelets or a necklace that holds crystals. I have a necklace with a metal cage that can expand and allow me to change the crystal based off what I am feeling or trying to attract that day. Utilizing various crystals energetic abilities are a great way to help you on your spiritual journey.

  5. Make time to pick a tarot or oracle card daily

    As easy as this sounds, this daily task becomes easily overlooked. Taking the time to draw a tarot or oracle card is one of the best ways to start and/or end the day. Divination helps connect people to the universe and spiritual world. Spending the time to have a conversation with your divination tools will help you have deeper understanding of your spiritual journey. Through the use of divination tools, you can explore the potential outcomes of your future and the misunderstood or hidden things in your pass. Pulling a daily card should be a consistent ritual to help you keep spirituality in your life.

Why is it important to make time for spirituality?

Regardless of your beliefs, all forms of spirituality enhances emotional reasoning and mindfulness with daily life. Most forms of spirituality require self reflection and accountability. The consistency behind rituals and routines that come with spirituality are expected because the consistency keeps those who worship on track with their spiritual journey. As soon as the rituals and routines start to fall to the wayside, the person’s spirituality starts to falter in response to the inconsistency.

Share your experiences, your own tips and tricks, or any other thoughts you might have in the comments below or on our instagram page @thehopefultarot


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