Why is this tarot card stalking me?

Whenever someone expresses that they want to learn tarot, I always recommend committing to a daily reading of 1-3 cards. Perhaps you have started your tarot journey and you are noticing that certain cards are appearing more frequently than others. I know that when I first started reading tarot cards, I would get frustrated when the same card would come up in my daily readings. I hated that while I was trying to familiarize myself with each tarot card, I wasn’t getting exposure to other cards. If you are experiencing a tarot card coming up regularly in your readings, then it is time for you to truly pay attention.

What are reasons for recurring tarot cards?

You are missing a key point in your message from the cards. The most common reason for a card recurring in your tarot reading is that there is a message that you have yet to fully understand. If you are experiencing a card recurrence, there are different things that you can do to try to understand the message that you are missing.

  1. Isolate the card in question and write down all the things that you see on the card. Typically, I like to use the traditional deck for this option because you can use the internet to look up the meanings behind each symbol, color, or whatever else presented on the card. Remember that everything on a tarot card has symbolism. Every color connects to an emotion or aspect of life. In addition, animals can have different symbolism as well. Spend some time researching the symbolism of each thing that sticks out to you.

  2. Meditate on the card to emphasize your spiritual intuition. If you are not into researching and looking up things, then take time to hone your intuition through the use of meditation. Start with looking at the card, then close your eyes and begin breathing in a rhythm that helps sooth you. When you gain a comfortable awareness of your body, allow your mind analyze the card. Allowing your mind to wander and listen the story that is occuring within your mind. This type of meditation requires that you listen to the seemly random words that come to your mind. These are the messages spirit has been trying to get you to understand and analyze.

  3. Try conducting a reading on that card to look deeper into why that card is coming up into your reading. I like to use pinterest to look for various spreads and there are great spreads on instagram for investigating “Stalker” cards.

You are asking the same question without allowing wait time. Most of the time, when people are seeking out a tarot reading it is seeking out clarity of some form. When you continue to ask the same question in a short amount of time, you are not allowing the messages from spirit time to ruminate. You have to allow time for your spiritual journey. That is why it is important to not seek out multiple tarot readers on the same inquiry in a short amount of time. I recommend waiting three to four weeks before asking the same question again.

You are not asking the right questions. Sometimes we are so passionate about learning the answers to the questions we seek, we ask the question in a general way. When we don’t take the time to think through the question, they can be come to generalized. That prevents your tarot cards from fully depicting the answer in the most detailed way possible. Instead of rushing your question to get to the answer quicker, take the time to think out your questions for better accuracy and more detail.

Should I worry about the “stalker” card?

While you should make an effort to discover what that card is truly trying to tell you, depending on the question and card that is coming up… there really isn’t anything to be too concerned about. Just remember, tarot is supposed to be used as a tool to gain more information to make informed decisions, not something that is meant to ruin your relationship or your life.

Share your experiences, your own tips and tricks, or any other thoughts you might have in the comments below or on our instagram page @thehopefultarot


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