Best Questions for Tarot Readers Or Psychic Readings
Two of Wands from The Everyday Witch Tarot - Click this link to get a copy for yourself from Amazon! (Blog review on this deck to come! Subscribe to our newsletter to be updated on blog posts.)
What are good questions to ask a tarot reader?
It can be difficult to formulate questions you might have for a tarot or psychic reader. As explained in our last post, To Question or Not to Question, What is the Answer?, Questions are not necessary to gain beneficial information from a psychic or tarot reader. However, you can get more generalized answers when there are limited questions for your spirit guides to answer.
After consulting some of colleagues, I have whittled it down to these questions:
What does my subconscious or shadow-self want me to know that I have been ignoring?
What can I do to move forward in my career?
What lessons do I have yet to learn?
What are habits that I need to change?
What issues am I avoiding that I need to take a closer look at?
How can I change my toxic traits?
How do others view me?
How can I live my life to the fullest?
Why do I feel blocked from my feelings?
Depending on what you might be confused or just want a little more information on, your question can really be about anything. Try to stray away from yes/no questions because you can get so much information from your guides through tarot! Embrace the possibilities and ask questions that allude to more detail to help guide you.