Tarot Journaling

Why did I start using a tarot journal?

Whether you are starting your journey with divination or an advanced reader, journaling is a very important activity that will help your practice immensely. Over a decade ago, when I started reading tarot, there was limited research materials or information available. My first tarot deck, the Wild Unknown by Kim Krans first came out without the “little white guidebook”. Along with the cards, there was a paper that had a few keywords for each card and a few keywords connected to the suits. Before I started asking my deck questions I wanted to learn what very card meant. Unfortunately, the lack of materials to teach myself made the challenge of learning the deck that much harder. Using the provided paper, I knew I had to develop my own system to understand and build a relationship with my deck. I had to be creative with how to learn and understand tarot. I started by keeping a tarot journal.

How did I use my first tarot journal?

When I started using tarot journal, I wrote down the order that the cards came in from the deck and everyday for 78 days I interpreted each card individually. I would write down what I intuitively felt the card meant by using my knowledge of symbolism, color meaning, and emotional response. By keeping a tarot journal, I developed my intuition utilizing my interpretation of the artwork and the guidance of the keywords. For a long time, I felt that I was at a disadvantage because I did not have a mentor who could teach me the cards. Whenever I have learned something in the past, I would research that subject to understand every aspect. I had such trouble finding books on the subject, I was fearful that I would never learn to understand the cards that I loved so much. It wasn’t until years later that I realized my practice actually helped me as a reader because my practice forced me to develop an intuitive connection with the card instead of memorizing the key words.

Benefits of journaling your tarot readings:

  • Developing a relationship with your cards

  • Strengthening your intuition

  • Keeping track of your development as a reader

  • Having a record to reflect on

How do you know what to journal?

Journaling your tarot readings depends completely on your preference! Many readers feel more comfortable using tarot spread that can be found both online or in various books pertaining to witchcraft. Using interfaces like pinterest or instagram, you will find optimal tarot spreads for free. The added bonus being that you help those who created the spread just by interacting with them! Outside of using tarot spreads, you can also use your tarot journal to track your daily cards or your daily readings. Sometimes I enjoy using spreads, but usually I ask questions that pertain to that day, life event, or my spiritual energy. The beauty of this practice is, there are no rules. You can journal whatever you want!

Do you have to journal your tarot readings?

Well, no you don’t have to journal your tarot readings… BUT if you choose to journal your tarot readings, you will find that your abilities as a reader will only increase. You will develop a better relationship with your cards and your intuition. In addition, it really does come in handy. to have a written log of your readings to look back to. Whether they are your readings or even a clients, it is nice to see how the cards track or predict life events.

Share your experiences, your own tips and tricks, or any other thoughts you might have in the comments below or on our instagram page @thehopefultarot


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