DON’T Make these 5 Mistakes as a Beginner Tarot Reader
Are you interested in learning tarot? In the last five years, there has been a substantial increase in tarot and the metaphysical world. Anyone who uses TikTok or Instagram will probably see someone with some form of divination, spellwork, or other witchy content. Similarly to most of the content on social media, there will always be misinformation that needs to be sifted through. I made the mistakes so you don’t have to. Here are the most common mistakes made by beginner tarot readers.
DON’T get caught making these 5 mistakes:
Don’t forget to use your intuition. There are different schools of thought when it comes to reading tarot cards. Many readers feel that they must memorize each of the cards keywords. This memorization will cause a block with your intuition. While it is important to have a basic knowledge of the cards traditional meanings, your intuition will give you much more insight than any memorized keyword. Don’t block out what your spirit guides are trying to tell you because you want to give traditional readings.
Don’t overwhelm yourself with self created rules. My largest fear as a novice tarot reader was accuracy of my clients’ reading. I was stuck with the feeling that I was an imposter. Growing up in a society that valued degrees and certifications made me feel like I was not good enough to charge anyone for a tarot reading. I was convinced that I needed to be a master with the cards before I could ever charge for a tarot reading. By creating this rule, I prevented myself from starting my business. I did not allow myself to grow because I set an unattainable measurement for a value that was unrealistic. Make sure your goals have clear and attainable guidelines.
Don’t be intimidated by reversed cards. It took me years to start reading reversed tarot cards. I would spend countless hours searching for the proper way to read the tarot cards in reversed. It bothered me that all the information I found was conflicting. Where some sources explained that reversed cards meant opposite of the upright meaning, other sources claimed that reversals meant you were facing a block. That conflicting information would irritate me because I just wanted a straight answer. It wasn’t until I started playing around with reversal cards that I started to realize that either option is valid. Sometimes it is the opposite and sometimes it means a block. It depends on the reading and the situation you’re looking into. That’s where intuition comes into play.
Don’t be afraid to buy your own deck. I have said it before and I will say it again… It is OK to buy your own deck. You will not be cursed or have bad luck. If you want to buy a deck, buy that deck! As long as you are financially stable and can afford it, of course.
Don’t buy everything all at once. There is no need to spend money unnecessarily. There are so many free resources that you can find through pinterest, facebook groups, and other social media outlets. Do not feel obligated to buy every resource, especially all at once. This will not speed up the process like you would like it to. Because I enjoy annotating inside of my books, I usually buy my own copy. If you are like me, then it might be easy to fall into the habit of over buying resources and then losing track of what you need to use.
What happens if you have made one of these mistakes?
Don’t freak out. It is alright if you have made these mistakes. Allow yourself some grace and try to learn from them. As challenging as it may be, I try to think of mistakes as learning experiences.
Share your experiences, your own tips and tricks, or any other thoughts you might have in the comments below or on our instagram page @thehopefultarot